What's In Store For Real Estate In Kansas City in 2019?

What's In Store For Real Estate In Kansas City in 2019?

There are two hot things in Kansas City to start the new year of 2019. One is Patrick Mahome’s right arm and the offense he’s leading at a historical pace. The other is the real estate market. In a recent article published by City Scene KC, the strong close to 2018 for downtown Kansas City…….

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Seven Tips To Increase Your Effectiveness During Negotiations:

Seven Tips To Increase Your Effectiveness During Negotiations:

Although it’s easy to focus on specific features and decimal places, negotiations are won and lost based on human emotion and perception. The way you communicate and the skills you use to navigate a negotiation impact your ability to get what you want more than the solution itself, the stakes, or the context. We’ve laid out seven unexpected ways to increase your influence and become a more effective salesperson in every situation.

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Investing 101: Learn About Hybrid/Turnkey Investments

Investing 101: Learn About Hybrid/Turnkey Investments

With the traditional turnkey model within real estate investing, an investment company will buy a property, complete the rehab, place a tenant in it, manage the property, then sell that performing asset to you, the investor. LiveFree Investments takes a different approach where you, the investor, own the property from Day 1. Join Logan in this video and learn all about the Hybrid/Turnkey model.

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